The evaluation of partial derivation is quite simple. 偏微商求值十分简单。
To simplify the process of calculating Boolean difference and partial derivation of Reed-Muller type logic function, a new method based on tabular was proposed. 为了简化Reed-Muller型逻辑函数的布尔差分与布尔偏导数的计算过程,提出了一种基于表格的新方法。
With the terminal value of the partial derivative for boundary variates and their differetial equation, the variates can be solved by backward derivation of the differetial equation. 有了边界变量偏导数的终端值以及它们适合的微分方程,就可以由终端反向积分这些微分方程求解出这些变量来。
The vertices of geometric model on the surface of object was chosen according to the curvatures which was computed directly from partial derivation of volume image. 该方法直接利用三维图像偏微分计算边缘的曲率,并根据曲率的特性,选取表面的顶点。
It is proved that the CHF point corresponds to a maximum falling liquid rate fed into the rectangular channel with a closed bottom, which can be determined from momentum, its partial derivation with void fraction and energy balance equations. 研究表明,临界热流密度与流入矩形通道内的最大下降液体流量相对应,并且临界热流密度可通过求解动量方程、包络线和能量方程得到。